Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wild Garden Project - Summer 2016

Summer has arrived, after finishing my first year at University, I decided that I wanted to transform the back garden into a nature studio, I proposed to set up cameras to monitor and capture different types of species and their presence (small mammals, insects and birdlife). 

This afternoon I received my hedge hog-box from "Handykam" who are based in Redruth, Cornwall. I have started to convert the wooden box into a small mammal void which will be baited with seed, I see this project as a great opportunity to discover which types of mammal maybe visiting our garden. 

I lined the wooden box with a mortar mix to give the chamber a more natural feel and look more realistic to the viewers through any footage I may capture. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mike Nash and his friendly team at Handykam for their advice and support for getting this project underway, fingers crossed that I will have more blog posts to follow as I develop my wild garden, giving you as the readers new project ideas to try for yourselves.

Hedge Hog Box - Before Modification 

Mixing the Mortar Mix 

Spreading Mortar Mix - Inside the Box

Giving the Box a Natural uneven look

Camera Installation - View inside the box

Home, Sweet Home - Fitting the entrance

Finished off the box by baiting the entrance and chamber with mixed seed, peanuts and small pieces of cheese. 

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