Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Moving Narratives 2 BAFI202 - 10th January 2017

Wednesday 10th January 2017                      Moving Narratives 2                                   Andy James

Screening - North by Northwest

Writer/Director - Alfred Hitchcock

Heavily influenced by German Expressionism - He is known for being the master of suspense, creates well thought spy and crime novels.

Starrs - Carrey Grant, Eva Marie, James Mason, Martin Landeav.

Similar too the Bond and Jason Bourne - Action/Thriller Genre. 

Themes that the film contains

Cold War - Reliance on spies

Chase - Various action sequences

Journey - Kidnapped, running away from the frame

Deception - Mrs Kendals role as a double agent

Note: We know certain things that characters don't know, the characters sometimes know links/information that we as the audience have not quite worked out.

Forms suspense through a lot of different scenes, the one scene that stood out too me was towards the middle of the film, we see Carey grant arrive out in a field, desolate landscape, he gets of the bus and waits for another man to arrive. The shot lingers, creating suspense, the loss of audio builds tension, the wide angled shot gives a great sense of space for the scene, in the middle of nowhere.

I was constantly fixed on the passing of traffic, awaiting one of the cars to stop and get out to kill Carey.

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