Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Moving Narratives 2 BAFI202 - 21st Feb

Tuesday 21st February 2017.                      Moving Narratives 2                  Kaz Rahman

Screening - Pierre Le Fou - Jean Luc Godard 

Notes from film

Jean Luc Godard - films are self conscious and about process - his films are like essays writing about the films as they have a distinct style 

His films can be seen as obscure, difficult to watch if you don't understand the film movements background 

Production - Hand Held, soft lighting, influenced by Italian realism 

Edit - Jump Cuts, used as a way to suggest the passing of time. Flow is fast 

References of existing films, art, music

Performance - loose, look into the camera, self reflective 

Humour - essay film

All the films we've seen so far, were Critiquing and dissecting, pulling apart. 

Screening Film - Pierre Le Fou 

Narrative - journey - Marrian and Ferdinand 

Leaves his wife runs around with Marrian, she's in armed dealing, Pierre gets questioned and Marrian does him over by taking the money (all takes place in the South of France) 

Lots of references to war, paintings/artists, music. Lots of references to adverts, the language from the party scene is all from adverts, commercials. 

Sound was abrasive, the jump it's aren't so
Frequent but the sound acts as jump cuts 

Diegetic - breaks the fourth wall by the characters turning to face the camera, as well as the choice of sounds. 

Performance - improvised, break into song - musical, guns are a reference to the film noir films -playfulness, touch of surrealism. 

Cinematography - a lot of headspace, constantly shown the landscape. 

Colours - uses the colours of the French flag, saturated, pop, seems artificial - RED BLUE AND WHITE 

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