Thursday, December 3, 2015

Contexts of Practice BCOP100 - Final Poster - 3rd December

Thursday 3rd December 2015 

Course Module - BCOP100                     Contexts of Practice                    Lecture - Lucy Leake

My Final Poster Concept - Falsem Prison

Poster created by Luke Curno with photoshop assistance by Simon Childe (PCA Student). 

Overall I am really impressed with my poster project and I am glad that I chose to work with someone in order to create what I wanted, I think that I benefited through creating it this way as I was opened up to new techniques, effects, colours and just ways to make my poster look even better. I think that I would have liked to smudge out the outlines a bit more but it does give a pop effect, gives the impression that he has just been chucked on (into prison), not to mention the way that it pops out of the image, giving it a 3D effect. 


Walk the Line (2005) Directed by James Mangold [Film] USA: 20th Century Fox

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