Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Practical Screen-craft - Tuesday 26th January 2016 - BAFI101

Tuesday 26th January 2016            Module : Practical Screen-craft                 Lecturer: Stu Bailey

Reviewing instructional videos

Today was simply about going through everyone's projects, it was the due date for all of the instructional videos to be handed in, once they had been positioned into the google drive folder that Stu had created we started to watch individuals work, I really liked a few of them, I noticed that a lot of them were focused around different types of equipment, ranging from cameras like the 'Canon 600D' through to accessories like the slider and how to set certain cameras up for manual shooting or just everyday use, we see shots in Drakes park, stationary, college etc.

I really liked the slider video, liked the way that they had talked about the mechanics of the product, how it can be adjusted, how you angle the tripods, it caught my eye the way that we were then presented with footage that had actually been taken using the apparatus, gave me a feel for the equipment and what I could achieve using it quickly, noticed that it was a little shaky so i would look into how to get it a lot more sturdy. I am certainly thinking about taking a slider out to use in my own time, do a lot of pans, get some great field shots, I want to experiment on how I can use my slider to the best of my ability.

We got some great feedback for my groups submission for our Beauty Guru video, especially on the camera and editing side of the video which made me feel great as my two roles within the project were the cinematographer and editor, people liked the choice of music and how the cut away shots worked to show the settings, as the actors discussed the capabilities and settings for the Go-Pro Hero 4 silver.

Go-Pro Hero 4 Silver - Boxed up (mid shot) 

Title for our Beauty Guru video 

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