Thursday, December 8, 2016

Comparative Film Practices BAFI205 - 8th December

Wednesday 8th December 2016                 Comparative Film Practices             Dan Paolantinio

Super 16mm Film 

The shoot itself was very organised, 5 people were on set at all times which meant that the workload was shared out evenly amongst the group, first off we set the camera up to our desired angle, next we would use a tape measurer to establish the gap between the camera lens and the subject we were filming to get a focus, finally we took a light reading of the brightest point within the frame to establish our aperture for the shot.

Behind the Scenes - Photos taken using my iPhone

Actor in Silhouette

Positioning the camera - Wide angled shot

Camera setup, measuring the focus

Cutaway shots - Autumnal Leaves

Super 16mm Arri 2 - Kit Ready


Shot List

Shot 1 - Wide Angled Shot - 17 seconds 

Shot 2 - Mid Shot - 15.1 seconds 

Shot 3 - Close Up - 16.6 Seconds 

Shot 4 - Blowing of Leaves - 22.4

Shot 5 - Unconventional over the shoulder - 5.7 Seconds

Shot 6 - High angle of the steps - 9 Seconds

Shot 7 - Shadow on trees - 18 Seconds 

Shot 8 - Shadow of the Trees - 9.5 Seconds

Shot 9 - Long shot of Steps - 8.5 Seconds

Shot 10 - Footsteps up the stairs - 17 Seconds 

Shot 11 - Picking the tree - 11 Seconds

Shot 12 - Tracking shot following actor - 10 Seconds

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