Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Negotiated Project - 9th May

Tuesday 9th May 2017                              Negotiated Project                    Kaz Rahman

The Secret Canvas

I have filmed the footage for my film "The Secret Canvas" at my chosen location, the garden house in Buckland Monachorum. Overall the shoot went well, everything was carefully thought out and there were contingencies in place incase I didn't achieve the shots that I had planned.

The camera that I chose to use was the Cannon 7D as well as a f1.8 macro lens. My main idea for the film was to focus around depth of field, paying close attention to the equipment she uses.

I wanted to show the fine details of the actress painting and focus on the space around her, creating a small space within a big space - helping to emulate the wider space around my actress.

A Go Pro was attached to an overhead ceiling light to give a birds eye view, watching over her as she worked.  After I shot the opening sequence, I gave the actress free will as I did not want to interrupt her natural flow of painting - exposing her in her own habitat working was key and I did not want to stifle this.  I used my initiative and asked the actress to paint another picture so that I could shoot the cut away shots for the final scene.

I shot some cut away shots after the shoot to include at the beginning to imitate her point of view whilst looking out of the window at the garden.

I have now started thinking about the type of sounds that would be useful to bring the visuals alive.

Room ambience for ghostly feel.
Blinds Shutting
Birds in the garden
Placing a lantern down and releasing the handle
Match coming out of a box
Striking a match
Sound of jam jar - swirling brush in the water.
Possibility of wind
Moving things around in a box
Getting out equipment
Table ready to work on
Pouring water from jug into jam jar
Twisting lids from acrylic paints
Twisting lid off jam jar
Ripping plastic off canvas to begin work
Squeaky noise of pipette (white substance)

Here is my final film - The Secret Canvas

Negotiated Project - The Secret Canvas from Luke Curno on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Negotiated Project - 2nd May

Tuesday 2nd May 2017                 Negotiated Project              Kaz Rahman and Dom Deane

Set Film Tasks

Over the past few weeks I have worked on a majority of groups films as tests for our negotiated project film. Although I have a script for my chosen idea, I wanted to experience different pieces of equipment and how they differ from one another. Throughout the shoots I have worked closely with the Cannon C100 but with all my tests I have decided that this is not the right camera to use for my film. My idea will be focused around the art of depth of field so I have decided that I want to use a Cannon 7D for my shoot.

Below are links to a few films that I have worked on as a director, sound recordist, scriptwriter, cinematographer as well as an actor for the film Skeleton.

Played the roles of an Actor and Director's assistant

Negotiated Project - Skeleton from Luke Curno on Vimeo.

Played the roles of Director and Set Design

Negotiated Project - Backdrop Experiment from Luke Curno on Vimeo.

Played the roles of Director, Dubber, Writer, Cinematographer, Editor and Actor

Negotiated Project - UNKNOWN from Luke Curno on Vimeo.

Individual Film Installation
The following day we were asked to individually think of a creative way to showcase our films. At first I thought about playing my film on my phone and positioning a small mirror in front of the phone on an angle. I had the idea in order to watch the film you would have to look through the mirror as the image was being reflected off. However, due to the time and resources available I was unable to make this possible so I went for a set design which would tie into my films subject matter. I started to create a set which looked like a polluted water source, I started off by cutting out a cardboard stand for my phone to stand on. Next I got a label and wrote down the title for my film "UNKNOWN" which stood out and I smudged it to make it seem unclear as to what the words were reading. I made a use of an energy drink can, cutting out the logo for the brand "Emerge", I thought that the word emerge could signify that something was emerging out of the polluted water source within the video. The final touches for the set was created using off cuts of card, tissue paper, energy drink cans and finally a sprinkle of tea leaves to make the set look messy and artsy.

Polluted Set Design (without the phone) - Taken on my phone

The film installation task has got myself thinking about various ways to illustrate my final project piece for my negotiated project module. As my film is going to be about the secret life of a painter I would like to set the scene of a painters work-space. The idea of placing the film on a screen and placing lots of different tools which painters use. The idea of having cloth placed over the screen as if an artist pulls of material to reveal a shiny new canvas. The tools will make up a semi circle around the film that is on the screen. Positioned underneath the film I will have a blank piece of paper, giving the impression that the film has been created on a canvas. I have also come up with the idea of having a sketch of a painting up on my phone which is placed behind the screen as if the artist glances over for inspiration whilst working. Finally I thought a good way to open up the film would be to place a clapper over the screen with the name of the film, camera operator, location just to add a bit of purpose to the presentation. 

A few ideas from research

Reference for Illustrations

Clapperboard Image - Photojojo, (2017), 17 Best ideas about Movie Gift [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=clever+film+installations&safe=strict&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjwvYGK4NPTAhUKbRQKHZfLBI4Q_AUICigB&biw=1100&bih=913#safe=strict&tbm=isch&q=clever+ways+to+show+films&imgrc=u4xmyAmDB6PSZM: [Accessed 3 May 2017].

Camera Prints -  Photojojo, (2017), Instax Mini 90 Instant Camera [ONLINE]. Available at: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=clever+film+installations&safe=strict&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjwvYGK4NPTAhUKbRQKHZfLBI4Q_AUICigB&biw=1100&bih=913#safe=strict&tbm=isch&q=clever+ways+to+show+films&imgrc=mVH8jdg3WiTmzM: [Accessed 3 May 2017].

Professional Future - BAFI203

Tuesday 2nd May 2017                              Professional Future                              Lucy Leake

Summary for the Professional Futures module

At the start of the module we were given the task of creating a short IDENT which was based around the art college that we attend, Plymouth College of Art.

Below you will find my attempt at making an Ident for PCAD.

PCA Ident - Professional Futures (PCAD) from Luke Curno on Vimeo.

We were then all given the chance to take on clients to work with, however my clients never responded back so I decided to find my own through my business WildTimes TV.

Through the module I worked closely with the owner for Dockyard discs and had a few attempts at creating a promotional video for his company which could be used as a call to action for his company. However, it was any ordinary video, we made the voice over out of lyrics from lots of different hits, whilst re-creating the famous album art from the Sex Pistols "Never mind the Bollocks"

Below is the promotional video for Dockyard Discs

Dockyard Discs Promo - Come into my shop from Luke Curno on Vimeo.

I am currently working on shooting for "Plymouth Comedy Club" where I will be creating 2 short promotional videos for 2 of there main events, one being the children comedy club and second for the adults comedy session. So far I have shot 1 section of the events and the next is scheduled further through June.

A few of my other projects that I am working on are for individual companies i.e. a lady who paints on rocks and a short film for a retired freelance filmmaker out on the coast whilst he surveys wildlife in Urban areas.

Lastly for this unit I updated all of my social media platforms including Linkedin, Online Portfolio, Facebook, Instagram and my Vimeo which now has an up to date documentation of all of my University projects and submissions which have clearly been labelled, which has led to future work for the summer.