Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Professional Future - BAFI203

Tuesday 2nd May 2017                              Professional Future                              Lucy Leake

Summary for the Professional Futures module

At the start of the module we were given the task of creating a short IDENT which was based around the art college that we attend, Plymouth College of Art.

Below you will find my attempt at making an Ident for PCAD.

PCA Ident - Professional Futures (PCAD) from Luke Curno on Vimeo.

We were then all given the chance to take on clients to work with, however my clients never responded back so I decided to find my own through my business WildTimes TV.

Through the module I worked closely with the owner for Dockyard discs and had a few attempts at creating a promotional video for his company which could be used as a call to action for his company. However, it was any ordinary video, we made the voice over out of lyrics from lots of different hits, whilst re-creating the famous album art from the Sex Pistols "Never mind the Bollocks"

Below is the promotional video for Dockyard Discs

Dockyard Discs Promo - Come into my shop from Luke Curno on Vimeo.

I am currently working on shooting for "Plymouth Comedy Club" where I will be creating 2 short promotional videos for 2 of there main events, one being the children comedy club and second for the adults comedy session. So far I have shot 1 section of the events and the next is scheduled further through June.

A few of my other projects that I am working on are for individual companies i.e. a lady who paints on rocks and a short film for a retired freelance filmmaker out on the coast whilst he surveys wildlife in Urban areas.

Lastly for this unit I updated all of my social media platforms including Linkedin, Online Portfolio, Facebook, Instagram and my Vimeo which now has an up to date documentation of all of my University projects and submissions which have clearly been labelled, which has led to future work for the summer.

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