Monday, November 20, 2017

Film 301 - Shooting for my Artefact

Monday 20th November 2017                Research and Experimentation     Lectures: Kaz, Dan, Andy

Cinematic techniques used for my artefact film

For my artefact film, my short film primarily consists of locked of camera shots, using the art of long takes as a way to portray a young soldiers journey as he walks across the moorland scape.

For the middle of the film I wanted a fast paced montage which would consist of references towards my intended theme of remembrance.

Here are a few screen grabs from the footage for the middle of my artefact film 
(screenshots taken using preview)

Holding a Poppy out in front - adjusting the opacity to give a ghostly effect

Walking towards the air-raid shelter, about to take a Poppy out of my inside coat pocket

For the ending of the film I opted to use a slider, however, as I had never used this piece of equipment I was unaware of the amount of space that it covered. The idea was great and once everything was put into motion, I feel like the transition of shot to shot worked well once they were superimposed over one another. The weather on the day was great as well, slightly overcast with a cool breeze which meant that my uniform wouldn't flap about.

Here are a few behind the scenes shots from shooting on location at the graveyard 
(all of these shots were taken using my phone). 

Slider kit that was employed 

Slider (Wide angled Sigma lens 10-15mm)

Adjusting the slider head and the height of the slider legs

Dressed up ready for the shoot - On location at the graveyard. 

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