Monday, October 10, 2016

Practical Screen-Craft 2 BAFI201 - 10th October

Tuesday 10th October 2016                                   BAFI201                           Andrew James  

Introduction to Practical Screen-Craft 2

We were given a short introduction into Foley, we watched a short film which was titled "The Secret Life of Foley" which I thought was fantastic, it opened my eyes up to the way that as a viewer we can perceive footage and we immediately feel like it has been recorded on set. This showed me just how much thought and effort goes into the sound production that we can hear on the screens in front of us as we watch a vast array of movies, documentaries which come into a lot of different genres. 

For the first part of the session we were given a short 1 minute video clip that had been cut from the film "High-rise" we were given this as an MP4 file which contained no audio, the task at hand would be to try and re-create the audio using lots of different techniques. My chosen role for this task was to partake within my group as the sound engineer, I decided to take out a small range of equipment which I think benefited the types of sounds that I wanted to create i.e. doors slamming, loud ambience as well as a loud noise of glasses smashing.

Equipment taken out 
  • XLR Lead
  • Zoom H4N recorder
  • Shotgun Mic MCE86
  • Small Mic SN56
  • Headphones
  • H4N Power Adaptor

For the second part of the session, each group was taken upstairs where we would have a set of equipment to re-create an image that had been shot using a camera, light, hammer, gloves and a self portrait image that was laid out in-front. I thoroughly enjoyed this project, especially when getting to view back at the still images that we had captured. I was constantly inventing  new ways to shoot the subject, changing the camera set-up, the ISO, where the light was positioned, without casting any harsh shadows.

Photography Results

Main Image - Taken with Cannon 600D Mark 2 

Setting the shot up - Adjusting Camera and Lights

At the end of the session we were split back into our original group and told to edit together the high-rise clip and any audio that we have recorded and put the two together, we need to be able to present this next week to the lecturers and our peers.

Set work - To re-create the foley for a scene taken from the movie "Highrise"

Practical Screencraft - Highrise clip (Creating Foley) from Luke Curno on Vimeo.

Sounds included

I don't own any of the original content, the footage has been given to us to use to re-create the sound for a particular series of action scenes in Highrise.

As the editor for this piece we recorded sounds of chains jangling for the glass smash as well as commotion within a class to give a background hum to the piece thats been created, almost as if you can hear the party from the outside of the room as you would in reality.

Music: Ultravox Vienna
Original Film: Highrise


Highrise. (2015). Practical Screencraft - Highrise clip (Creating Foley). [Online Video]. 14 October 2016. Available from: [Accessed: 14 October 2016].

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