Monday, October 17, 2016

Practical Screencraft 2 - BAFI201 - 17th October

Monday 17th October 2016                                 Practical Screencraft 2                    Andy James

Testing and experimenting

We were split off into groups of six, the groups were split down the middle, 1 set of three would be in charge of the visuals, they would be given a script on a piece of paper where they would have to try and re-create the scene.

The other group would be given the role of creating the sound for the groups visuals, however they wouldnt be given a script as such, only an idea as to the message of the filming. 

My group had been given the task of portraying a lifeless man on  the ground in traffic,we would have to create a slider shot but we weren't able to use a slider. The set equipment that we were given for this task included;

1x Camera 

1x Tripod

1x Light and stand

1x Blue Sweet Wrapper

1x Blanket

1x Pair of gloves

My group came up with the idea of setting the camera on tungsten to create a blue tone, we decided to create police lights by using someones phone torch and placing the blue sweet wrapper inside, we would then vigorously shake the phone to portray police lights across the actors face. We came up with the idea of using a table and the blanket to create the slider shot, once the camera was run along the blanket we would handhold the camera as one of us walked towards the actor who was laying on the table. We had a 1 point light set up where the light had been set on spotlight to outline one side of the actors face, making him look sinister. The lighting position also helped to darken out the background and allow the sweet wrapper shaking to show up across the subjects face. The best feature I feel for this shoot had to be the lighting, I moved up and down the room slowly with the light, superimposing car lights across the actors body, this was really effective and looked amazing on camera. 

As the director for this piece I thought that the whole shoot went really well, everyone had carefully thought about all the elements towards the visuals as well as the sound team, we all used our initiative in order to create the slider shot and the police lights. I thought that the camera was a little shaky and I feel like we could have used the tripod to hand hold the camera, helping to stabilize the shake of the cameramans hands.

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