Thursday, October 19, 2017

Film 301 - B' Movies, Crime Reporter

Thursday 19th October 2017         Research and Experimentation       Lectures: Kaz, Dan, Andy

The Naked Kiss - 1964 - Written, Produced and Directed by Samuel Fuller - 1964. 

We watched the start of this film. We experience a fight between the actors, at the start of the film there is no dialogue but the narrative starts to unfold once the female actress talk. It is made clear through the element of money and the dialogue "I'm taking what is coming to me", we think that the dominant female actress is a prostitute. The cinematography throughout this confrontation feels slightly aggressive, the way the man is getting repeatedly smacked with the lady's bag. The shots are all handheld for this scene which makes it feel claustrophobic and I felt like we are experiencing the scene down the hallway from the mans POV. The Jazz music fits the fight scene well and leads to the long shot of her freshening up in front of a mirror as the title and cast appear.

Angelic Crime 2-minute film task 

The use for one location, which must include an internal monologue and consist of elements of diegetic sound. For myself and Aidan's film, we decided to use the tripod for some shots and the rest were handheld. Our chosen location was very dark with minimal lighting. We were going to try to re-create the intensity that you would get from a dark crime thriller.

We used the diegetic sounds of keyboard typing, chains, nails scrapping down walls, feet moving around the room, whispering like demons, heavy breathing, all to show that the character was distressed. The dialogue (internal monologue) would focus on what the reporter was thinking in his mind as he was typing up his notes to create a report on this missing man.

Here is the film that myself and Aidan filmed which I edited together to meet the requirements and brief given by the lecturers.

Filming by Luke Curno and Aidan Wright of PCA

Edited by Luke Curno of PCA

Research and Experimentation - Report of The Murder Express from Luke Curno on Vimeo.

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