Thursday, October 5, 2017

Film 301 - Obstruction Task

Thursday 5th October 2017          Research and Experimentation      Lectures: Kaz, Dan, Andy 

Five Obstructions Task 

We watched a few bits from "The Five Obstructions", directed by Lars von Trier and Jorgen Leth. We were set the task of creating a 2-minute film of our choice, but we had to create our own obstructions. I decided to create my own film, I went with the theme of music and iconic rockers, I wanted to challenge my filming practice. 


Handheld, open space, isolation, no mains electricity, nowhere to live and the idea of featuring iconic rockers and cutting together sound bites from their live events. I was really pleased with what I created in such little time and the feedback was all positive when I presented this piece to my peers and lecturers.

A few shots of the behind the scenes from the shoot for Iconic Rockers

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