Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Contexts of Practice BCOP100 - 4th November

Wednesday 4th November 2015

Course Module - BCOP100                     Contexts of Practice                    Lecture - Lucy Leake

Psychoanalysis and Film 

Analysing Human Behaviour - Method of studying the mind - Gets us thinking about how people's minds work, this is looked into through two different theorists Freud and Breuer. 

Laura Mulvey - Male Gaze - Woman are portrayed on the screen for men to admire, scantily dressed or just wearing tight fitted clothes.

Mental Health Problems - Hysteria - Punishments could have included burning, exorcised, locked up, ridiculed etc. People were considered to be liars, deviants and rather lazy. 

Psychoanalytical theory - 3 major names which included Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Jacques Lacan. These three people believed in theory's which covered vast areas of the psyche (the mind) and visual culture. 

Freud "The Father of Psychoanalysis 

  • Anal Retentive 
  • A Freudian Slip 
  • Libido - Physcis sex drive 
A Phallic Symbol - The way buildings are shaped, all buildings are seen in symbolic ways, appear different when glanced at more than once, some people see the representation immediately.

Dreams and dreaming represent a form of hallucinatory wish fulfilment.
Not Nonsense but full of meaning 
Logic in dreams differ from that of consious thought so needs interpreting
Dreams - The Talking Cure

He used Hypnosis to encourage patients to talk and then later used 'free assosiation'

We were asked as a table to discuss what we thought the word Hysteria was used for and to think about why the word wasn't used anymore. 


  • The word was used to describe mental health problems
  • Hystera in latin means womb 
  • Sporting 
  • Natural Disasters
  • Mass Hysteria
  • Panic - Out of control
Research - 3 Human personalities - Part of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic personality theory

For homework we have been asked to research examples of films that split up these three terms, applying Freud's notions of the Superego, ID, Ego etc.

Superego - Controlling - Preconscious - ADDING MORALS

ID - Animalistic - Unconscious - MEETING BASIC NEEDS 

Ego - Conscious Self - DEALING WITH REALITY

A few examples of these human personalities that I found include;

Shaun of the Dead- Shaun, Liz and Ed are the three main characters within the film, the Ego who is the main character Shaun, Ed as the ID character, constantly pestering Shaun to do things throughout the film that he classes as fun, like bunking off work but because Ed is his best friend, Shaun usually listens. We then have Liz who is Shaun's girlfriend who is trying to make a great life for her and Shaun but she feels like Ed keeps getting in the way, keeping him at his maturity level. I picked up on this example as being a representation of ID, Ego and Super-Ego because both the main characters realise what they are doing later on in the film.

Within cartoons when someone is trying to make a decision, we get too see two sides (human personalities) on each shoulder, on one the angel who would be saying the correct thing to do and on the other the devil who would be trying to create distress or havoc amongst people and friends. The ID in this case would be the devil, the superego would be the angel and also I feel like the Ego would be the brain as it is trying to make a decision based upon the information that it has been given, trying to sort out what needs to happen, whether it be good or bad etc.


Shaun of the Dead (2004) Directed by Edgar Wright [Film]. USA: Universal Pictures, Rogue Pictures

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