Tuesday 16th November 2015
Course Module - BAFI103 Ideas and Concepts Lecture - Dan P
Reviewing Super 8 Films
Throughout the day, we spent time looking at everyone's super 8 films to critique and reveal what our films actually looked liked, had everything we had planned to shoot worked? Mine and Jay's was the first film to be showcased on the big screen, at first I felt a little nervous but at the same time I was ambitious to find out how successful our shot was, what worked well and had the colours and effects that we proposed, did they come out the way that we wanted, especially the shots showing reflections in water.
One of the clips that really stood out to me was towards the middle of our footage, we filmed from a really high angle as one of the concrete struts was reflecting in a puddle of water, wanted to give the feel that we were using the water to reflect back on the time period of the building and the age of the buildings architecture, in this case the concrete struts which held up the outside interior roofs around the Civic Centre. The film appeared to be received well by other students in the class, they liked the panning shots of the building and so I have planned to place this shot at the start of the film.
I was quite pleased with the shoot itself and after watching the footage back, I now have a digital copy which I can import into Premiere Pro, my chosen editing software to use for this super 8 project. From looking at the film, I have generated a visual storyboard, also I have decided on a few more sound recording ideas which could be beneficial to make our film feel/look abstract.
Great panning shot, looking up at the scale of the building, seems taller than it actually is, adds a separate dimension to the architecture of the building. The colours from the film itself help to reinforce the age of the pebble dash and concrete struts attached to the place, reinforces our proposed VO line "Their original intent forgotten"
Photographs were taken using the Nizo, Super 8 camera, the image itself is a screenshot from our film, "City 8". It was taken using preview on my Mac Laptop - November 2015 Film by Luke Curno and Jay Austin (PCA students).
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