Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Contexts of Practise BCOP100 - 25th November

Wednesday 25th November 2015 

Course Module - BCOP100                     Contexts of Practice                    Lecture - Lucy Leake   

Getting into virtual reality

Technology is always moving on, better cameras, equipment, software is being released. Got me thinking into whether these technologies make films, video games real or not?

Throughout the early 20th Century film has shaped most things to become digital, had a huge impact on video games as we have the option to play a campaign, helping to understand the story and impact behind the plot line for the game and explore the history of a specific place, person or character. It could be said that computers have started to become the support for any cultural media platforms.

I find it amazing how much in the 20th century that technology is moving, it seems like just a few years ago that we had consoles such as the PS1 and PS2 but now Microsoft and Sony are bringing out cross platform games, as well as new generation consoles such as the Xbox 1 and PS4. Places like the cinema have already started integrating 3D glasses which helps to give the audience a real world experience, I have been into 3D screens of films before and once I had positioned the glasses on my head, I felt like I was in the room with the actors, I was on the edge of my seat.

After watching a few, I thought that the examples of 360 videos was amazing for the fact that by dragging around the screen, it made me think that I was in the same room as the actors, however it was quite trippy at the fact that we could track people as they walked of the screen, especially for shots of cars, I can remember myself watching a short 360 surfing video, I loved the fact that I could track the surf board and the waves as they started to build up around the subject, metaphor of white horses.

After today's lesson I think that within certain films we could use video game techniques, by changing camera angles, having a particular narrative or storyline, we discussed that we thought this sort of idea would help to keep the audience interested and on track. There will be many ways that we can change virtual reality, this doesn't mean that any techniques not used could be erased or never used again, if there are complications further down the line we could then revert back to the old techniques.

Film is based upon time, take it all in at once, shows your narrative, where as when your looking at a painting, you create a narrative in your head, gets you thinking about why is this here, what does it represent, shows the artists expressing themselves. Film will always be a movie but you can choose to pick bits apart and analyse it but most movies nowadays have a clear narrative.

All of the lesson, it got me thinking about the products that I choose to make, how I make them, the technology that I choose to use and what software I choose to edit on. Also around the Video game idea, we need to be aware that not every theorist will support the idea, they might feel like the film could be used for subtle interaction between the audience and the content etc.


Una experiencia cinematográfica en realidad virtual. (2015). Backwater . [Online Video]. 29 September. Available from: [Accessed: 25 November 2015].

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