Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Contexts of Practice BCOP100 - 18th November

Wednesday 18th November 2015

Course Module - BCOP100                     Contexts of Practice                    Lecture - Lucy Leake

Modernism and the rise of the machine

We are now in the 20th Century

Modernism - Period of time during the 1950' to 60's, celebration of industry and new materials, development and progress, reason, discovery and explanation i.e. why we are here, Museums, Charles Darwin - gives people a flavour of where we are with the world. 

Science is a threat to humanity - Seen in art, literature, music, film - as machines, monsters, aliens and other white european protestants (the atomic bomb) - Science has created this thing with humans, they will never be the same again - Short speech 'I have become death, Destroyer of worlds'. 

Two theorists for modernism

Zygmunt Baumann - He believes in the theory that we will go out for a specific object or purpose but we will tend to wander off to look/explore different places. Pilgrim and the Nomad.

Jean Baudrillard - No distinction between representation and reality.

Knowledge is sourced from the internet.

Think about how Cyborg you are - The political Cyborg - Roseanne Stone - Hallucination within the media i.e. the internet.

Come up with a story to do with how science is a threat to humanity.

Research - Brief given 

Poster Research project

Required to design and make a poster that investigates a particular area of theorists that we have covered through our contexts of practice sessions.

Film Poster

A2 minimum DPI 300 - Upload to the google drive

Research some graphic design - rely on the image to tell the story.

Finally, write up an evaluation which will include a summary to go with the poster, talks about the choices behind the decisions, relate it back to a session that we have done in class. Can perhaps link the poster to the idea of hyperrealism.

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