Wednesday 16th November 2016. Comparative Film Practices Dan Paolantonio
Postcards and Super 16mm Mood-board - Below is my postcard that I created
Chosen Quote: "lithography was surpassed by photography"
Front Side
Back Side
We researched into some of the work that Walter Benjamin had completed, he wrote a paper up in 1936 which was titled "The work of Art in the age of mechanical reproduction. I found this article to be of great interest despite only reading a short piece of the paper.
Towards the second part of the lesson we were given two tasks, the first to pic a quote from the extract we were given, next we would have to create a postcard around the quote cutting out images from old film magazines and then we would have to re-write the quote in our own words, I thoroughly enjoyed this exercise as it got myself thinking about how different concepts of art can have different perceptions, understanding the use of technology and of course their pro's and con's.
For the last exercise we were to form groups of 6 people that we would work together well with for the super 16mm 1 minute film project, which will be filmed using the Arri flex film camera. We were told to mood board any ideas that the group may have had, I wrote down everyone's inputs as well as any decision making that went on through our innovative thinking. I thought about the story, shots, content, sound, editing techniques, motives, whether it would be one take or not and if so why.
Here is an image of the mood board that I created for the group to show our initial ideas.
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