Thursday, November 17, 2016

Moving Narratives BAFI202 - 15th November

Tuesday 15th November 2016                   Moving Narratives 2                      Kaz Rahman.         

Created by Orson Welles - His background included theatre and radio - radio creates drama through the voice which I think worked within this certain piece of work as the voice was through the newspaper baron, "Charles Foster Kane" - ACTOR/WRITER/DIRECTOR

1941 - Citizen Kane - presidential ambitions - newspaper baron in 1930s in US

Key areas to look at while watching

Characters Complex, aging, developed.
Acting is about the voice as oppose to the movement like the other films we have watched
New approach to naturalism
Susan (female actor) shows two sides, becomes angry at the end but we remember her as being nice towards the centre of the film when her and Kane meet out on the street.

Film opens with Kanes death, then we see a news reel - feels like documentary footage
Rosebud - last words, cryptic
Multiple perspectives
News reporters continue on Charles foster Kane's legacy
Flashback - non linear structure
Sophisticated dialogue
Humourous elements

Gregg Toland
Deep focus and sharp

Gets louder towards the main subjects - focus points
Multiple voices going on
Higher octane voices

Same shots repeated - no trespassing sign and start and end

Starts off with same editing style to that of sunrise (super impositions).

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