Friday, November 4, 2016

Practical Screencraft 2 BAFI201 - 4th November

Friday 4th November 2016.                       Practical Screencraft.                Andy James

Recapped over the set 1 minute film from last weeks task.

Call and Response Project

We were set a new task - create a 1 minute film which explores 1 piece of equipment from the list below, we would then choose our sound recording devices or any additional software to create our sound bites, as well as utilising a camera to create a 1 minute film.

Task Brief

We used a Canon C100 for the filming but we also used the on board mic slot for a directional microphone to record any of the sound effects that were picked up through the camera.

I had the director role throughout this piece of work, at first I thought that it was a pointless exercise, however after looking back at the idea and the film I feel like I learnt to manage my time a lot more efficiently within a crew. I also worked on the set design and chose the camera angles specifically for the subject that we were addressing within the dissertation that I was attempting to write up.

The script idea that I came up with was to use a watch as the main piece of equipment, linking to the idea of time passing in a short space of time, I wanted to give the feeling that I was under pressure, stressing out and starting to get really angry with the repeating ticking noise that you can hear if you listen carefully. I think that the piece itself was edited together perfectly and I think that the shoot was well planned which included all the aspects of the production for "Clocking Out"

Behind the scenes for "Clocking Out"

Selection of equipment for the shoot

Creating the set design - Messy Study Area

Configuring the watch to tick - Utilising my acting skills

Sound Recordist and Cinematographer Stationary

Directing and discussing ideas as a crew

Editing the piece together 

(All of the pictures above have been approved for use by Aidan Wright - PCA Film Student)


Clocked Out - Practical Screencraft from Luke Curno on Vimeo.

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