Friday, November 18, 2016

Contexts of Practice 2 GCOP200 - 17th November

Thursday 17th November 2016                   Contexts of Practice             John Sealey

Literature Review - Narrative Story Telling

How narrative develops within films, the difference between a narrative short film and a nature documentary.

Talk about the cycle, the way the story line loops over and over as the interviewee is telling a story about being a drone pilot.

The way the story gets interrupt and sidetracked I see that as a predator invading another animals habitat.

Find an extract about the evolution of man, tie it in with the footage of monkeys from life story, link the cycle of life and the repeated storyline to evolution of man. - find a quote from Charles Darwin online and use that to back up the idea of evolution through the nature documentaries and then find something about a filmmaker's interpretation of narrative story telling.

Start of by talking about what is narrative, then my subject for modular narrative and the difference between modern cinema and that of a nature documentary.

Primary Research - film clips

Omer Fast - 5,000 Feet is the Best -!/5-000-Feet-is-the-Best/site_medias_listes/1444 - Everytime that the pilot enters a different door he tells another story about the dreams he has had as a pilot, meaning that he never finishes the main story that he has been asked to tell and is being filmed.

Life Story Series - Narrated by David Attenborough
Young Fox Hunting in the snow - - Travel 100km a day just in search of food, same day routine, temperatures sidetrack the fox as it becomes harder to dive for lemmings, becoming the hunter in the snow.

Secondary Research - extract about the evolution of man

Life is all about evolution. What looks like a mistake to others has been a milestone in my life. Even if people have betrayed me, even if my heart was broken, even if people misunderstood or judged me, I have learned from these incidents. We are human and we make mistakes, but learning from them is what makes the difference. Amisha Patel

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